Mark 7 / Mark V (model 520) Fence Service Parts

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Parts List:
Ref # Part # Description
216z 522359 (incl 217-232)
217 518419
218 518400 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Rip Fence Extrusion
219 517829 Button Head Cap Screw
220 518404 (not shown)
221 514317 Rip Fence Wear Plate
222 518420 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Rip Fence Rear Spring Block
223 518405 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Rip Fence Rear Lock Cross Pin
224 518407 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Front Fence Locking Bar
225 521578 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Rip Fence Locking Handle
226 518410 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Rip Fence Long Locking Rod
227 518409 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Rip Fence Front Short Locking Rod
228 518423 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Rip Fence Rear Pad
229 518461 Button Head Cap Screw
230 518459 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Rip Fence Lock Nut
231 518416 MARK 7 / MARK V520 Front Fence Lock Spring
232 514527 Roll Pin